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试 算 表 程 式的英文

"试 算 表 程 式"怎么读


  • spreadsheet program
  • "试"英文翻译    try; test
  • "算"英文翻译    calculate; reckon; compute; ...
  • "表"英文翻译    outside; surface; external
  • "程"英文翻译    rule; regulation
  • "式"英文翻译    type; style
  • "程 式 规 格" 英文翻译 :    program specification
  • "程 式 开 发" 英文翻译 :    program development
  • "结 构 化 程 式 编 制" 英文翻译 :    structured programming
  • "算" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ动词1.(计算数目) calculate; reckon; compute; figure 能写会算 (be) good at writing and reckoning; 算算旅行的费用 calculate the cost of a journey; 请你算一算我该付多少钱? please reckon up how much i must pay? 算出这些开支也许要花几个小时的时间。 it may take several hours to figure up these expenses.2.(计算进去) include; count 不要把我算在内。 count me out. 你把卸货所需的时间算进去了吗? did you reckon in the time needed for unloading the cargo? 你最好别把我算进去, 因为我能否出席还不一定。 you'd better reckon without me, as i am not sure whether i shall be able to be present. 算上你, 一共有十个人。 there were ten people, including you. 我也算一个。 count me in.3.(谋划;计划) plan; calculate 暗算 plot against sb.; 失算 miscalculate; make an unwise decision4.(推测) think; suppose 我算他今天该动身了。 i suppose he'll have started today. 我算他今天会来。 i think he will come today.5.(认做; 当做) consider; regard as; count as 就算你对了, 也不该那么说呀! even if you are right, that's not the way to put it. 她可以算一个舞蹈家。 she can be counted as a dancer. 我算运气, 赶上了最后一班汽车。 i was lucky enough to catch the last bus.6.(算数; 承认有效力) carry weight; count 你怎么刚说了又不算了? you just made a promise and now you've gone back on it! 世界上的事不应 该由一两个国家说了算。 one or two powers should not have the final say on world affairs. 这点困难算不了什么。 a little difficulty like this is nothing to us. 这么大的事怎么能一个人说了算 ? how can only one person have the final say on such an important matter?7.(后面跟""了"": 作罢;不再计较) let it be; let it pass 算了,别说了。 that's enough! let it go at that.; forget it. 他不愿意去就算了, 咱们反正去。 if he doesn't want to go, he doesn't need to. we'll go anyway.Ⅱ副词(总算) at long last; in the end; finally 他学习音乐的愿望这回算实现了。 his wish to study music has come true at last. 问题算解决了。 the problem is finally solved. 现在算把情况弄清楚了。 at long last we have got things clear.; we've finally sized up the situation
  • "试" 英文翻译 :    名词(古代占卜用的器具) astrolabe
  • "程" 英文翻译 :    名词1.(规章; 法式) rule; regulation 规程 rules; 章程 rules; constitution2.(进度; 程序) order; procedure 课程 course; curriculum; 议程 agenda3.(路途; 一段路) journey; stage of a journey 启程 set out a journey; 送他一程 accompany him part of the way; 送了一程又一程 accompany (a guest, traveller, etc.) league after league before parting4.(里程) distance 里程碑 milestone; 射程 range (of fire); 行程 distance of travel5.(姓氏) a surname 程颐 cheng yi
  • "式" 英文翻译 :    名词1.(样式) type; style 西[中国] 式 western [chinese] style; 新式 new type [style]; 他们出售各式镜子。 they sell every style of mirror.2.(格式) pattern; form 程式 pattern; form to be copied3.(仪式; 典礼) ceremony; ritual 开幕式 opening ceremony; 阅兵式 military review; parade4.(自然科学中表明某种规律的一组符号) formula 方程式 equation; 分子式 molecular formula5.[语言学] (表示说话者对所说事情的主观态度) mood; mode 叙述式 indicative mood6.(姓氏) a surname 式同 shi tong
  • "表" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ名词1.(外面;外表) outside; surface; external 徒有虚表 only have a handsome look; 仪表不凡 handsome looks; 由表及里 proceed from the outside to the inside2.(中表亲戚) the relationship between the children or grandchildren of a brother and a sister or of sisters 大老表 first cousin3.(榜样;模范) example; model 代表 representative4.(古代文体奏章) memorial to an emperor in ancient times 表奏 memorial to the throne5.(表格) chart; form; graph; list; table 一览表 general chart; 登记表 registration form; 价目表 price list; 统计表 statistical graph; 时间表 timetable6.(测量器具) gauge; meter 电表 power meter; 气压表 barometer7.(计时器具) watch 钟表 clock and watch; 手表 wrist watch; 怀表 pocket watch8.(姓氏) a surname 表贡 biao gongⅡ动词1.(显示; 表示; 表达) show; manifest; express 聊表微意 so as to express one's appreciation; as a token of one's gratitude; 深表同情 show deep sympathy; 略表寸心 just to show one's gratitude [remembrance]; 表决心 express [declare] one's determination2.[中医] (用药物把风寒发散出来) administer medicine to bring out the cold 表汗 bring about perspiration
  • "dna算" 英文翻译 :    dna computing
  • "板,算" 英文翻译 :    abacus
  • "试,再试" 英文翻译 :    try,try again
  • "试;努力" 英文翻译 :    try
  • "试;试验" 英文翻译 :    trial
  • "poisson程" 英文翻译 :    poisson process
  • "程 青" 英文翻译 :    cheng zhiqing
  • "程 序带" 英文翻译 :    programming tape
  • "课 程" 英文翻译 :    classes
  • "【化学】姜黄(试)纸。" 英文翻译 :    turmeric-paper
  • "(试)剂;因素" 英文翻译 :    agent
  • "连 结 测 试" 英文翻译 :    link test
试 算 表 程 式的英文翻译,试 算 表 程 式英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译试 算 表 程 式,试 算 表 程 式的英文意思,試 算 表 程 式的英文试 算 表 程 式 meaning in English試 算 表 程 式的英文试 算 表 程 式怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。